Classic Double Entry Accounting and XML syndication feeds
Friday, April 30, 2004
Notes on RSS 2.0 elements that could be usable for accounting

RSS item
title - comments?
link - the URL for the scanned image or document source
guid - guid of transaction or account
comments - as usual in transactions
author - user
category - an optional sub-element of item. It has one optional attribute, domain, a string that identifies a categorization taxonomy - is suitable for accounts, category and or dimensions.

What about other accounting tags? A recent idea is to follow the RSS 2.0 spec. and use the OPML namespace to add OPML outlining capabilities. I've recently posted a message to opmldev to see if anyone can guide me.

There should also be tags for quantities etc. Useful schemas as of fall 2002 could be found in arapxml.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Why some blog features may benefit CDEA.

Blogs tend to be transactional - ie. you create, publish and have to let it be. Much like accounting transactions. Which you have to void by creating a identical transaction with opposite sign.

Chart of accounts tends to be hierarchical. Many weblogs are using OPML to organize xml-feeds.

Weblogs have flags for unread posts. It could be convenient for manager to mark read transactions.
Welcome to this unpretentious small personal research blog!

I'm going to tell you my experiences in these days to see how accounting, RSS and OPML can be used as part of distribution and UI for accounting.

The whole started with the eminent article of Aaron Skonnard . Fall 2000 my son Inge and I did some experimenting with accounting and OPML. I used some days digging into my data and yesterday night I luckily found it. I've made it accessible here.
This demo use the XSLT approach of OPML.
This is a private research looking at the possibility on using weblog technology, for instance OPML and syndication feeds (RRS and ATOM), to display and distribute accounting information. Muy view on Classic Double Entry Accounting (CDEA) is based on Luca Pacioli (Venezia 1494) and Object Managment Group (OMG) General Ledger standard (Tokyo 1999). In the latter this blogs author was one of the projects founders and project manager.

04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 /

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